dear Tg,
Do you still remember last week I visited M'sian care 4th floor, a trainning place for learning disability teenages (16 to 18 years old ), to prepare them to work (now, mainly manufacturing like Giant supermarket, work like tagging, refilling, arranging shelf...)
I debated sadly with SHn (not exactly all I write here). Our batch of SPICES kids, apart from speech, O.T. therapy, we spent min RM150 on SPICES, send them to art & craft, swimming class, music class, gym, kumon, brain gym... hope to discover their talent. Some of them going to home school, at least few hundreds of fees a month; the working mothers work time off, some quit job... sleepless nights reading, studying, doing visual stretegy cards, Power Point Presentations... :) , running here and there asking around for better school to settle them...
All these efforts, money and time spent is to prepare them to work in Giant supermarket as a manufacturing worker? SHn said, ...`why not? If they are happy there, have friends, work is not hard...'
I fight further,but sound weak, ` least he should do computer work, like keying in data base, more professional... ', she pause and said, `...sometimes parents have to be realistic, if you force them to do things they can't it really helping?...'
I've been thinking again and again what is the purpose of our life on earth, I compare my normal child with special child, I campare myself to the foreign workers, I think of you, a professional, are you happy at what you are doing? am i happy? Are we walking in what God has planned for us?
Today I received this letter from Taiwan, it should answered my questions. The purpose of our Life is to touch others life. Special people could touch normal people's life too...
We don't live for ourself only, we are living in a community, helping each others, whether you are intelligent or stupid, we are no one hopeless! God has a plan, an individual plan in each and every one of us, I have mine, S Lr has his! My responsibility is to help him to discover/fulfill his purpose of life which God has planned for him.