Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Visual Strategies for Improving Communication

There are transitions that caused his traumatic this morning. First, school break for a week; second, today is tuesday, going to SPICES, different from yesterday; third, TH help him morning routine. (He should tell him first, SL, today father helps morning routine)

He woke up, had breakfast, but...refused to carry on. Pulling and struggling between the father and the son. He protested, `I don't want!' He come in and go out the toilet.

Just before he cry, I came to the rescued...I hold his hand to the `Time-table', pointed and said,`Today is tuesday. First morning routine, then go SPICES.' Then I hold his hand to the `Morning routine'. He tear and drop `wake up', `eat' & `drink' 2inch cards into `Finished' box. I said `go peeing and pass motion', but he turned back to the kitchen `drink' followed by the rest of his morning routine...successfully. :)

From LindaHodgdon

Weekly Time-table

From anugerah cemerlang

Morning Routine

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