Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The boy knows!

SoLer'd never escape from home, but he'd ran out of the Sunday School standing by a busy 4 ways lane when he's 5. I'd never forget this terrible incident!
Now he's 9, whenever we go shopping mall, he'd said i want running/ just escape out of sight like a rocket! I'd chase after him, shout in threatening`STOP'! Wait for mummy! Sometimes he does stop as if we're playing catch & run.
If I kept holding on his hands, he'd get frustrated & pissed off. So I'd play with him as if I'm his buddy while walking.
I'd observe how other 9 year old boys play with their friend and imitate.
I think he wants me to treat him well too & not just see him as a burden.

I wrote this song & practiced with him, he'd follow it now:-

My little angel
You possessed my heart
Life format your ways
My little angle

Not my temperament
Not as I wished
It's just the way you see life
My little angel

Annoying in disturbance
Suffering in bitterness
Does unconditional love exist
Oh how'd i stop this nuisances

But I love you my baby
I love you my baby
You're my baby
My little angel


Anonymous said...

Why don't you write your own song with self-written lyrics and tune? This song actually means something, i think. Not really inspiring. If he really knows. Just suggestions. Don't take it as an insult. :) All the best!

Angel said...

Just curious, what if one day he really succeeded due to some miracle and happened to bump into this blog, what will he think? A great feeling, isn't it?

greensky said...

I don't know! My intention was quite plain; at first, just wanted to record in diary form; one day if I'm no more around, somebody could still keep track on his behaviors & continues to help him. While I recorded, I tried to be true in how I felt at the moment things happened. I don't want to mask my struggling. Thanks for comments, please do it more often so that I'd improved.:)

Anonymous said...

My pleasure =)

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