Saturday, December 19, 2009

Be Creative and Fun

Preparation (the ideas all came by itself & continue to flow when I am working with him)
(1) I downloaded white noise at playing them while SL doing (2)worksheet(work book cheap edition from Popular RM1.20 16 pages). (2a) Text books are now cheap at RM2.50 to RM4.50, save the photo copy time and no copy rights issue.:) (2b) follow syllabus standard 1 to 6 different publishers different levels. SK & SJK CHAMP near TESCO Ampang display in order.

(3) He sits on my right hand side, I show him my search on google images when we were writting objects like animals, things, foods. He finds it interesting and it's a new experience for him. We sit for hours.

(4) The technology is really helping. Font style reminds me to write wide(fat) font for him to trace his name and date.(So that he don't have to struggle in small boxes)Lower down his stress level by making things easier for him. My aim is to learn things from worksheet today.

He is not yet familiar with odd ones out.(May be too abstract for his autism.) At that particular pages (5) I put in Power point to help him.(6) Look for images above 150k

The work book arrangement is:-

Circle the word that does not belong to the group.

horse. dog. house. bear. cat.

mouth. ear. eye. skirt. nose.

banana. orange. pear. fish. apple.

ruler. bee. eraser. pen. pencil.

hat. watch. carrot. socks. dress.

draw. dance. write. read. duck.

My power point look like this:-

Very visual attractive.:)

(7)The key is to concentrate while doing work with him. He can't stand I `one heart two use'. He gets very frustrated when I am not focusing on him.

(8) Another way is,I found a site download free pdf and you can click on the pdf and start worksheet, no need print out. (Provided he is willing to click on computer, looking upward-screen, not down wards-papers on tables)
The numbers in () are ideas.

I feel very productive today.

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SL's Art works with teacher Yow
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