Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Delayed Echolalia

by How Peak Yen on Saturday, August 21, 2010 at 11:34am
‎This morning I noticed SoLer is playing toys with delayed echolalia:

with the...he said in 3 languages,

1. furniture toys(water closet) : he said, go 大便`da bian' (pass motion)*;
2. furniture toys(bed) : 走开`zou kai' (go away)/ 睡觉`shui jiao'(sleep);
3. toy car : no more/ `habis!' (finished) go home already!;
4. drives few dolls around, stop by places, got down & changed places : uh-oh..吓倒`xia dao'(shock)/ 怕怕`pa-pa'(frighten)/ go school already/go SPICES/go home..ph/go Titiwangsa(park)/go playground//we go..ou..home/eat medicine..en/wait!..for mommy's turn/we go back home/we go www/we go television,we go toys,we go 晒衣服`sai-yi-fu'(air dry laundary)....(there are more sounds which i couldn't understand what they meant)

5.put his finger nail to doll's mouth: ah..open...ah..大大口`da-da-kou'(full mounth)/没刷牙`mei-shua-ya(not brush teeth), 臭臭`chou-chou'(stink)

*( )is my translation

p/s I don't know when did he pick-up pretend play. I used to complain, he almost doesn't `play' with toys/with people/even on his own...now when he `drives' the cars from room to room, he makes`vroom..vroom...'sound.:) but i noticed, the play are in a same routine, repetitive pattern, ie. go to same sport, drop down same doll, said the same thing, then repeat...more investigation to go

Receptive language

Working on `bonding' the relationship
By How Peak Yen · Sunday, August 22, 2010


SoLer accidentally knocked down the phone, I said, `uh-oh!' (he turned to me & picked-up the phone)

I requested, `pick-up the cord,' (he look at me & picked-up), I was amazed he'd understand mandarin, i praised him wholeheartedly, he watched me, I see a confidence smile!


He talks to me

I want to jump up & down...
by How Peak Yen on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 11:36pm

I was exciting!
My heart was pumping in and out of my chest!
I felt like want to dash like a rocket, from top right corner to bottom left corner!
I felt like I want to thrust my arms & legs & neck & hair to different directions!
I wanted to shout out my lung.
I wanted to cry out loud.
I laugh frantically!
I love him SOooo MUCH! So Ler could communicates with me!

..this evening, after work, me & the 2 children went Jusco for vcd...
He was hitting me & shaking my arm vigorously. I was annoyed, it hurts! But suddenly,.... I realized he may be trying to tell me something, so I pause & asked, he said faintly, `I want game' (at Jusco,the amusement park, token machine)...I told him, `..not today, we go home watch `Magical school bus...'(he likes it) & he accepted with calm face....wahooooo
plus plus!! ..when i turn back to see him in the car, he smile with faint giggled...i feel `connected'!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010


不知什么时候开始,乐乐决定我们去那一间店吃午餐。今天到了AU Jusco, 他用左手食指向一个方向快速一点,马上缩回。唐马上意会他的动机,多半要去那间去过两次的Fruit-land,他可不是欣赏那里的食物,而是看上那为孩童而设的玩乐角落。我们试探他,向另一个方向走,他马上扯唐的手,弯曲膝盖向后压,口发出抱怨的呜咽声,表情痛苦,坚持他选择的方向。我们先顺着他,但差不多到了那店附近,我说:`SL,today we go A&W, ok?` 他不肯。我很欢喜他终于开始以沟通来表达意愿。

SL beginning to communicate. Or rather I beginning to aware of his communication pattern.

We went to AU Jusco for lunch this afternoon. He pointed promptly at one direction with his left hand and quickly retreated. Thong immediately understood his intention. He might want to go to the Fruit-land where there's a play corner for children.

He lead us to the direction of the shop (it was still out of sight but he'd remember the corridor that leads to that shop.)
I negotiated with him, `SL today we go A&W, ok?' and lean my body towards the other direction. He quickly protested. He groaned mildly and crouched his body.

I was delighted that he has his own choice. Most of the times, he'd just give in.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Increase his word bank

"Low" Technology: Visual support strategies which do not involve any type of electronic or battery operated device - typically low cost, and easy to use equipment. Example: dry erase boards, clipboards, 3-ring binders, manila file folders, photo albums, laminated PCS/photographs, highlight tape, etc.

"Mid" Technology: Battery operated devices or "simple" electronic devices requiring limited advancements in technology. Example: tape recorder, Language Master, overhead projector, timers, calculators, and simple voice output devices.

"High" Technology: Complex technological support strategies - typically "high" cost equipment. Example: video cameras, computers and adaptive hardware, complex voice output devices.

Helping Housework

SoLer helped put dirty clothes into plastic bag to send for washing. (Verbal instruction was given in this case.)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


He'd established the `phonic' way of reading since 6.

I noticed he's not reading in a mechanism way, he paused to observe the pictures.

The behavior of pulling down shirt to expose shoulders has ceased.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Naturally Multilingual Environment


If a Child Is Autistic, Should a Multilingual Family Switch to One Language?
My husband and I live in Manchester, England and have a 2.5 year old daughter. I’m Russian and my husband is Turkish, neither of us speak each other’s language fluently, so speak English together.

When our daughter was born, I kept on talking to her in Russian, and my husband is talking to her in Turkish, and we still do. And she also hears us talking English to each other and from outside.

The reason why I’m writing to you today is because it is suspected that our daughter is borderline autistic. We are still hoping that she is not, but there are signs that perhaps she may be. She still doesn’t speak anything except her own language.

We were told to cut down to one language. At this stage we find it quite difficult to do that, we really think that if we switch to English now, that would shock and confuse her. What would you suggest that we do?

– Lena

Dear Lena,

You are right that switching to only one language in a naturally multilingual environment will have undesirable consequences for a child. It would only create a new problem for your daughter, not solve the one that she may have.

Autism is a neural development disorder, which affects socio-cognitive behaviour. Autistic people engage socially in different ways from typical people, and learn differently too.

Since language is a socio-cognitive tool, that is, our means of acquiring knowledge, of socialisation and of expression, autism is typically reflected in language. This means two things: first, that the language ability of autistic people is affected because they are autistic; and second, that autism will affect all the languages of an individual, whether one or more than one.

Children do not recover from autism, and neither does autism worsen, because of the number of languages that they use.

The recommendation to switch to one language is based on the myth that monolingualism is the “normal” linguistic state of humankind. This is wrong both statistically and historically: multilinguals outnumber monolinguals worldwide, and multilingualism has been a fact ever since human beings started moving around. Being multilingual is as typical as being monolingual, and has therefore absolutely nothing to do with clinical conditions, autism included.

If your daughter comes to be diagnosed with autism, do go on using your home languages with her as usual. Whether she is autistic or not, she will go on needing all the support that you have used her to since she was born, and this means supporting her through the languages that you have so far used her to.

Feel free to contact me privately, if you wish to discuss these matters in greater detail.


I'd the dilemma when So Ler was 4 or 5, the Early Intervention Program was in English (teachers & materials), he learned alphabet & English words in the 1st place, naturally I'd picked English as his 1st language, but my English is poor, nor my Chinese perfect. I don't even know how to label `armpit' or `腋窝'. All the time from young we called it `ka lat dai' (I'm Hokkien but this is in Cantonese).

So he lives in `not pure' language environment. Mostly, we speak in mandarin at home.

Now he's 10, I give instructions in Chinese, he'd followed! In school, teacher (Sekolah Kebangsaan) gives instructions in Malay, he'd follow! But he'd understand English better, may be that's how I exposed him (worksheets, books, dvd...)?

‎..may be that's how Malaysian’s autistic children are able in picking up many languages, that's the way it is here, the researchers may have to add an appendix...

Saturday, October 23, 2010


From visual strategy

FIRST______(things that he likes to do), THEN_________(thing that not so preference)


Today's Schedule


Church Routine

From visual strategy

The following 7 pictures has been shown in power point (more attractive & calourful).
From visual strategy

From visual strategy

From visual strategy

From visual strategy

From visual strategy

From visual strategy

From visual strategy

If So Ler is tired, choose...
From visual strategy

I'd pick cards put on board, when task finished, SoLer put in Finished `pocket'.
From visual strategy

From visual strategy

I'd been using these Visual cards for several months, last week, he'd followed & sang the offering song along with the congregation.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Moon River

VCD, Popular Bookstore, Publisher:37.2度杂货店 www.warm372,com/blog

Moon River, wider than a mile,
I'm crossing you in style some day.
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
wherever you're going I'm going your way.
Two drifters off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see.
We're after the same rainbow's end--
waiting 'round the bend,
my huckleberry friend,
Moon River and me.

I found that he could sing with the lyrics shown. Few days later, his tune changed; out of tune, some high, some low, he's trying to follow the VCD as close as possible. When I replay the record, he's delighted.

Yesterday during cell group meeting, I was trying to keep him occupied. I started with the first sentence, gave him a pencil, he started to write: wider than a.... I simplify the game using fill in missing words, he sang the verse first than filled in the missing words. Most of them are correct.

I couldn't remember all of the lyrics & felt regret to start the game, I was afraid he's going to burst out. So I said in embarrassment, `..haha, mommy can not remember the lyrics...' He didn't! He continued to write some nonsense & we both laugh!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Negara Ku

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The boy knows!

SoLer'd never escape from home, but he'd ran out of the Sunday School standing by a busy 4 ways lane when he's 5. I'd never forget this terrible incident!
Now he's 9, whenever we go shopping mall, he'd said i want running/ just escape out of sight like a rocket! I'd chase after him, shout in threatening`STOP'! Wait for mummy! Sometimes he does stop as if we're playing catch & run.
If I kept holding on his hands, he'd get frustrated & pissed off. So I'd play with him as if I'm his buddy while walking.
I'd observe how other 9 year old boys play with their friend and imitate.
I think he wants me to treat him well too & not just see him as a burden.

I wrote this song & practiced with him, he'd follow it now:-

My little angel
You possessed my heart
Life format your ways
My little angle

Not my temperament
Not as I wished
It's just the way you see life
My little angel

Annoying in disturbance
Suffering in bitterness
Does unconditional love exist
Oh how'd i stop this nuisances

But I love you my baby
I love you my baby
You're my baby
My little angel

Friday, January 15, 2010

#2 SoLer's diagnosis

I can still remember, when Dr. Toh, HKL diagnosis So Ler as moderate autism.

( SoLer was `playing’ by himself near sofa, we were sitting in front of the Dr., he observed him, tried to get his attention, asked us questions, it was a long talk. I asked why no paper assessment, he said in `frustration/tiredness’ by experience, had seen so many everyday, he can tell.)

We drove along Jalan Apmang, at the corner lot there was a kindergarten equipment store. We went in, a kind lady, gave us the Hospital Gleneagles speech therapist name Carmen contact. We started to have appointments with her weekly. While waiting for the government long waiting list for therapies. (Speech & occupational)

Carmen also have long appointment list, I spent all my annual leaves on HKL, and so I have to go on Saturdays. I was stupid at that time; I didn’t tell her frankly that SoLer’s diagnosis was autism. (Many years later, we met again, she said she knew he was autism.) In the beginning, SoLer improved very quickly, than the chart shown flat improvement.

I was no motivation and don’t know what to do. I did contacted SPICES earlier (dentist Yeo recommended us) but they put us in waiting list. It was a long wait.

Carmen recommended us to Lam, occupational therapist, after the one and only appointment, (rolled on big gym ball, up side down, throw rings, crawling, press clip, compress body, flash card alphabet, suggested go Padang everyday, hanger pegs left right hands & eyes) So Ler suddenly gained improvement in his speech. Later back to flat improvement again.

Carmen advised us (in fact she gave an early intervention list to me earlier, but due to working, I didn’t consider it.)

I tried to call SPICES again, this time I was really desperate, I cried over the phone. So we started EIP once a week, morning 2-1/2 hrs after an interview. I asked office for time off. I became a Shadow of Aid to So Ler in SPICES. He was 5 years old.

Later, the EIP increased twice a week. I continued to take time off and compensate back missing hours by go home late.

I am not a discipline person. I didn’t follow what the O.T. therapist said. I didn’t practice with So Ler at home everyday. I think I can give excuse because of the long working hours and the pressure at work.
All this while, sometimes I was motivated, ensuring we are giving SoLer the `treatment’ that we are comfortable with, affordable with. But other times, we doubted the decision making.

Time flies, we had ups and downs in our careers. This also affected our attention given to our two boys.

SoLer is now 9 going to be 10 this April, he is going to Sekolah Kebangsaan Danau Kota everyday except Tuesdays attending SPICES since he was 7. I can see his improvement in some other areas. He started to have behavior problems when he started his school age program or later. He is now much more aware of things happening surrounding him.

2010 back to school is a good starting point, we have some kind of `not so official’ night routine even thought I didn’t keep it up, he seems to have less temper tantrum at home. (From 9:00pm onwards including Saturday and Sunday)

He had one episode yesterday, So Xue was crying at the staircase landing when they reached home. He started to scream too. I tried a new strategy; I pulled him to help So Xue take off shoes. He got very angry and tried to pull my hair. I insisted. I leaded his hand to keep So Xue’s shoes (I understand it’s a new school opening for So Xue, a lot of pressure on him, sometimes I don’t have to say, just let him cry and show sympathy, he’ll be calmed down)

I rewarded a chocolate to So Ler, very good helping, I said. He’s still angry and wanted to cry. I gave him some water. I occupied him by helping me to keep laundry basket and some light house works. He became happy later.

#1 Diagnosis-NASOM discussion

(When my son was 4) A tadika head mistress encouraged me to do IQ test (sound more friendly rather than check if your child got delay development):) at paediatric HKL.

I asked for a recommendation letter from normal child's clinic, went to HKL paediatric, they ask questions, than refer me (by appointment) to child phycologist. (same building)

The phycologist asked parents question, tested him (numbers, object's names, play with `educational toys', than gave appointment to see speech theraphist & Occupational therapist. At the same time see psychiatrist Dr Toh(he diagnosis moderate autism but no need give medicine). I missed the neurologi because there are too many appointment cards to hold. Went to EarNoseThroat later checked ears but not successful. (He don’t go to sleep after medicine)

I think a month time get to see the phycologist & psychiatrist. (of course if don’t count the taking leaves & waiting times, it’s free) (hundreds RM to see private’s phycologist)

I recommend you should go thro’ the government process, it’s thorough and if your child is Special, you need the psychiatrist to give letter for OKU application + enroll to school at 7 (6, government pre-school) Moreover, it’s a country statistic.

But for daily early intervention programme should quickly joint any NGO’s or private O.T./speech theraphy after diagnosis(some NGO like SPICES needs dianogsis letter to fix appointment with them)

Hope I didn’t miss out anything. My son is 9 now, it’s been long time ago. :)

SL's Art works with teacher Yow

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