Friday, November 5, 2010


不知什么时候开始,乐乐决定我们去那一间店吃午餐。今天到了AU Jusco, 他用左手食指向一个方向快速一点,马上缩回。唐马上意会他的动机,多半要去那间去过两次的Fruit-land,他可不是欣赏那里的食物,而是看上那为孩童而设的玩乐角落。我们试探他,向另一个方向走,他马上扯唐的手,弯曲膝盖向后压,口发出抱怨的呜咽声,表情痛苦,坚持他选择的方向。我们先顺着他,但差不多到了那店附近,我说:`SL,today we go A&W, ok?` 他不肯。我很欢喜他终于开始以沟通来表达意愿。

SL beginning to communicate. Or rather I beginning to aware of his communication pattern.

We went to AU Jusco for lunch this afternoon. He pointed promptly at one direction with his left hand and quickly retreated. Thong immediately understood his intention. He might want to go to the Fruit-land where there's a play corner for children.

He lead us to the direction of the shop (it was still out of sight but he'd remember the corridor that leads to that shop.)
I negotiated with him, `SL today we go A&W, ok?' and lean my body towards the other direction. He quickly protested. He groaned mildly and crouched his body.

I was delighted that he has his own choice. Most of the times, he'd just give in.

SL's Art works with teacher Yow
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